
Expert discussion and review of the key topics and questions in the primary and secondary.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the key questions and evaluation steps in the preoperative evaluation of the patient with obesity and reflux disease.

  2. Review the key questions, pathophysiology and decision making steps in the post operative patient with symptoms of reflux disease.

  3. Discuss challenges and techniques in the surgical treatment of both alkaline and acid reflux in the post operative bariatric surgical patient.

8:00am Welcome and Introductions
Colleen Kennedy, MD MBA FASMBS
8:10am Reflux – Acid versus Alkaline : Pathophysiology and Evaluation
Sarah Samreen, MD
8:25am Abnormal Findings on EGD – Metaplastic Changes – Gastric and Esophageal
Vamsi Alli, MD
8:45am Interpreting pH and Impedance Studies
S. Julie-Ann Lloyd, MD PhD
9:00am There is reflux post gastric bypass? Evaluation and pathophysiology
Carl Pesta , DO
9:15am Discussion
9:30am Break - Exhibit Hall
10:00am When is a hiatal hernia important? Preoperative evaluation and decision making
Cori McBride, MD
10:15am The Sleeve Gastrectomy Patient With Reflux Symptoms: Acid vs Alkaline – Evaluation and Pathophysiology
Dan Eisenberg, MD
10:30am Debate: The Optimal Management of Acid Reflux Post Sleeve is the LINX Procedure
Rich Englehardt, MD FACS
10:40am Debate: The Optimal Management of Acid Reflux Post Sleeve is the Gastric Bypass
Matthew Brengman, MD MSHA
10:50am Rebuttals
11:00am Debate: The Optimal Management of Bile Reflux Post Sleeve is the OAGB
Helmuth Billy, MD
11:10am Debate: The Optimal Management of Bile Reflux Post Sleeve is the GBP
Shanu Kothari, MD
11:20am Debate: The Optimal Management of Bile Reflux Post Sleeve is the Duodenal Switch
Folahan Ayoola, MD
11:30am Rebuttals
11:40am Open Discussion with all speakers
12:00pm Adjourn